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» » :: Dynamat - Dynamat :: Only $0


Product Description:

What is Dynamat?

Dynamat is a thin, flexible, easy to cut and mold sheet that actually stops noise causing resonance and vibration, by using visco-elastic qualities that promote vibro-acoustic energy conversion. In short, that means noise becomes silent energy.

How much Dynamat do I need to use to be effective?

You can apply Dynamat in patches (25-50% area coverage) to keep a specific panel from resonating or you can apply it over an entire area (such as the floor, doors, or trunk) to create a sound barrier and thermal insulator.

Should I use Dynamat Original or Xtreme?

Dynamat Xtreme is our best performing material for controlling vibration. Dynamat Xtreme damps four times better than Dynamat Original and weighs at least 50% less. Dynamat Xtreme's aluminum constraining top layer also makes it well suited for situations where heat is a problem, such as on the floor and firewall near an exhaust or header. Dynamat Xtreme is recommended anywhere Dynamat can be applied. It requires no heat for installation, making it a good choice for home mechanics

Dynamat Original is our entry-level damping material and offers the best compromise between damping efficiency and cost. It is recommended for floors, doors, side panels and the floor of the trunk. For best installation and performance, use a heat gun during installation. Dynamat Original is not recommended for locations requiring upside down installation (such as car roofs). For those locations, use either Dynamat Xtreme.

How Much bass increase can I expect to get with a Dynamat Trunk Kit?

While results vary from vehicle to vehicle and depend greatly on the installation, typical results have yielded a 3dB increase in Sound Pressure Level (SPL) bass output from a normal installation.




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